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Since 1959, the Ohio Genealogical Society has grown in many ways. We have moved 4 different times to larger facilities, the last move being in July 2010 to the Samuel D. Isaly Library in Bellville, Ohio. Our needs are now growing in different directions to be up to date with new technology and to offer our members and the genealogical community the information they are looking for.

The phrase “it’s all on the internet” is a myth. Not everything can be digitized and presented online. That is why libraries and archives are so important in your genealogical research. The treasures they hold within their doors may just be what you are looking for.

  • 70,000 volumes alphabetically arranged by state/county/subject
  • Nearly all Ohio published local history and genealogical resources
  • Original Ohio 1880 census ledger books from all 88 counties
  • 250,000 ancestor cards filed by surname
  • 4,000 Bible records, indexed
  • Large Military Records Collection
  • City and county directories for Ohio
  • Ohio yearbook collection for high schools and colleges with over 20,000 volumes
  • Over 5,000 lineage society applications — First Families of Ohio, Settlers & Builders of Ohio, Century Families of Ohio, The Society of Civil War Families of Ohio, and the Society of Families of the Old Northwest Territory
  • Environmentally controlled archives filled with manuscript materials
  • Collection of original and reprint Ohio county land plat atlases
  • Online searchable library catalog
  • Over 5,000 family histories
  • Obituaries, Family Group Sheets, Ancestor Charts & More!

Building Beyond

Each year, over 3,000 new titles are added to our collection and adequate shelving is necessary in order to keep up with the expansion. In addition to addressing the Society’s physical needs, the demands of today’s genealogist also require a closer examination of the Society’s digital needs.

As part of the Ohio Genealogical Society’s commitment to continuously improve services to its members and the genealogical community, the Society unveiled a redesigned website in 2020 and we continue to update resources and improve the site-visitor experience. Improving and updating a state-of the art website’s functionality requires time and resources so that the Society can continue serve as the largest state genealogical society in the United States.

The COVID-19 pandemic placed an even greater emphasis on the fact that improved technology will continue to play a prominent role in genealogical research and education. As a result, we have expanded our capacity to collect and make available genealogical resources through ongoing digitization efforts, hired of a full-time Archivist, are developing online learning programs, and made improvements to the Ohio Genealogical Society’s technological infrastructure. All designed to better serve our members and the genealogical community.

The Ohio Genealogical Society’s service and selection are exceptional. The Society’s Board of Trustees takes a leadership role in fundraising for incremental needs and initiatives. In addition to the funds raised by the Society through memberships and annual conferences, OGS receives gifts of money, books, and time from volunteers.

The Ohio Genealogical Society is now asking you to help us Build Beyond what we have now. The Building Beyond campaign will ensure that the Society will continue to grow with better utilization of existing space, grow its archival collections, and to continue technological advancements to serve its members living both in and outside of Ohio.


The campaign will work to secure funding from a variety of sources and all contributions of any amount will be greatly appreciated and acknowledged throughout the course of the campaign. Gifts of $1,000 or more will be prominently recognized in the library. All gifts and pledges will be confidential. Any donor may choose to remain anonymous or to donate in memory or honor of someone. Donations may be tax deductible. The Society would also ask its supporters to ask their employer if there is an employee-giving matching program. Donations may be made in monthly payments.

The Ohio Genealogical Society is engaged to remain a leader and innovator amongst state genealogical societies. Please make this possible with your contribution either online at; by mail to the Ohio Genealogical Society, 611 State Route 97 W, Bellville, OH 44813-8813; or by phone, 419-886-1903.

The Society is entirely grateful to you for supporting our commitment to protect and share not only Ohio’s family history resources, but all family resources.

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